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Playlist City of fallen angels

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Playlist City of fallen angels Empty Playlist City of fallen angels

Mensaje  curley Dom Ene 02, 2011 12:05 am

Cassandra Clare nos felicita el año regalandonos un playlist con canciones que le parecen que encajan con el nuevo libro.He traducido sus comentarios,con las canciones no me atrevo,porque traducir una cancion hace que pierda totalmente su significado para mi enteder,vaya,pero creo que los comentarios que da,nos dan muchas pistas sobre lo que pueda llegar a pasar een City of fallen angels.
Lo siento si me he equivocado en alguna traduccion,pero creo que mas o menos algo he sacado (de algo habra tenido que servir mis clases de ingles,jajaja).
Bueno,disfrutadlo y espero que podamos habalr sobre mas teorias y esas pequeñas paranoias nuestras que creamos que van a suceder en el libro.

1) "If my Heart was a House" Owl City "Si mi corazon fuera una casa"

This is just a very sweet love song.

"Circle me and the needle moves gracefully back and forth
If my heart was a compass, you'd be North
Risk it all 'cause I'll catch you if you fall
Wherever you go, if my heart was a house, you'd be home"

It makes me think of Clary and Jace, especially because so much of it is about risk. And of course for Jace opening up to anyone is a risk. "Risk it all 'cause I'll catch you if you fall" — makes me think of the chapter "Fear of Falling."
Me hace pensar en Jace y Clary sobretodo por el tema del riesgo.Y por supuesto porque para Jce "abrirse" es un riesgo."Arriesgate porque si caes,te cogere"-me recuerda al capitulo "Miedo a caer"

2) "While We Were Dreaming" Pink Mountaintops "Mientras dormimos"

"And if I could find your heart
I would pull it from your chest
And smash you with my fist
Til it was beating

And if there's a hole inside
Heaven in your bed
Coz the angel that you kissed
Just left you bleeding"

Things get darker with this one even though they don't SOUND dark — it's a very angelic, haunting song. To me it's about trying to get through to someone you love, but you can't. Also J/C.
La cosas se vuelven mas oscuras aunque no suenen oscuras (aunque no lo parezca)-Es una cancion angeical y cautivadora.Para mi trata sobre hacerse comprender a alguien `pero no lograrlo.Tambien J/C.

3) Carousel, Paper Route "Carrusel"

"On and on and on we go
Just like a carousel that's lost control
And we don't know why, we don't know why
We go and go and go in circles"

And why should Jace and Clary get all the angsty songs? This one makes me think of Magnus and Alec because it seems to me to be a song about having the same fight over and over about the same thing but not really getting anywhere.
¿Por que todas las canciones angustiosas son para Jace y Clary? Esta me hace pensar en Magnus y Alec
porque para mi trata sobre tener la misma lucha una y otra vez por lo mismo pero nunca llegar a ningun sitio.

5) Sweet and Low, Augustana "Dulce y humilde"

"Anywhere you go, anyone you meet
Remember that your eyes can be your enemies
I said hell is so close, and heavens out of reach,
But I ain't giving up quite yet,
I've got too much to lose"

This one is for Simon. He's under all these incredible pressures in this book and to me this song is about holding up under pressure by holding on to faith in the people who love you.
Esta es para Simon, Esta bajo toda esa increible presion en el libro pero para mi esta cancion es sobre enfrentarse a la presion de mantener la fe en la gente que amas.

6) No Better, Sherwood "No mejor"

"You're no better, I know you're no better than this
So give up and let it rain down
You're no better, I know you're no better
And all your failed attempts are hanging over the edge of your father's fence
And oh, you give up so we can fall down
You're no better, you know you're no better than him"

Jace. Still has father issues. Well, it hasn't really been that long. And it doesn't help that Jocelyn's convinced he's just like Valentine.
Jace todavia tiene asuntos/problemas paternos.Bueno,no ha estado con él tanto tiempo.Y no ayuda que Jocelyn este convencida de que es como Valentine.

7) Fall Hard, Shout Out Louds "Caer duro"

"And if you fall hard, I fall harder
And if you fall hard, I fall harder
If you're gonna break just let it break
I'll pick up the pieces and mistakes"

Jace and Clary again. They're tied up enough in each other that if one of them falls, the other one falls too. This whole falling metaphor continues throughout the book (well, it is called City of FALLEN Angels.)
Jace y Clary otra vez.Estan tan unidos uno con otro que si uno de llos cae,el otro tambien lo hace.Esto es una metafora para todo el trascurso del libro (bueno,por eso se llama Ciudad de los angeles CAIDOS)

8) Marry Song, Brand of Horses "Cancion de matrimonio"

"I'll marry my lover in a place to admire
I don't have to even ask her I can look in her eyes
And thank God that I am forgiven"

Luke and Jocelyn. Finally engaged to get married, I think of Luke as believing that this is really the moment in his life where all his past sings are forgiven and he gets to start over with the life he wants ... or does he?
Luke y Jocelyn.Por fin se prometen(se casan),pienso que Luke cree que es el momento de su vida donde todas sus "historias" pasadas son perdonadas y empieza otra vez con la vida que quiere...o lo hace?

9) Degausser, Brand New "Desmagnetizador"

Take me, take me back to your bed
I love you so much that it hurts my head
Say, "I don't mind you under my skin.
I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in"
Well when we were made we were set apart
But life is a test and I get bad marks"

I love Brand New. Their songs always wind up being perfect Jace or Clary songs. I think because the lyrics are always so epic.
Me encanta el grupo Brand new.Sus canciones siempre encajan perfectamente para Clary o Jace.Supongo porque sus letras son muy epicas.

"When I arrive will God be waiting and pacing around his throne?
Will he feel a little Old Testament?
And will he celebrate with fire and brimstone
Yeah, I admit, I am afraid of the reckoning"

A reckoning is definitely coming for both Clary and Jace. I especially like "when we were made we were set apart" because it makes me think of the way Valentine engineered them, so to speak, to be alike.
A reckoming (creo que es una cancion,no conozco el grupo) es definitivamente para los 2,Especialmente me gusta la frase"Cuando fuimos creados fuimos separados" porque hace referencia en la manera en que Valentine los "creo"(supongo que se referira a los experimentos) para que fueran iguales.

10) Wolves, the Accidental "Lobos"

"There were wolves lying the dark
As she was raining sparks into the room like that
She was dancing in a neon cave with a tilted smile and a lover's laugh
Embossed upon her in the darkness
Like a light at the edge of night beside her"

Makes me think of Maia, of course. She has a slightly larger part in this book and we learn a little more about her past and why she has trust issues.
Me recuerda a Maia por supuesto.Tiene una parte ligeramente mas larga en este libro y aprenderemos un poquito mas sobre su pasado y porque tiene problemas de confianza.

11) "It's in Your Blood" Lydia "Esta en tu sangre"

"So we cover ourselves in your fear,
and stay to watch that moon disappear under these lights.
This city's screaming at me.
And as you breathe the words I better go.
The sun is up and taking back all the shadows that covered this ground,
and our feet,
like a blanket of coal."

Simon loses a lot in this book, and is in a lot of danger, basically because of what's "in his blood" — the Daylighter he's become. Of course, he's also got those two girlfriends. It's a difficult life.
Simon pierde mucho en este libro,esta en mucho peligro,basicamente por lo que lleva su sangre- el vampiro diurno en el que se ha convertido.Por supuesto,tambien tiene 2 novias.Tiene una vida dificil

13) "Love Like This" The Summer Set "Amor como este"

"I cut the brakes to your racing heart
Cause you're a real fast girl..
You've made a mess of me
You've got me on my knees
I'm spinning out."

This one always makes me think of Isabelle and Simon and how he's consistently haunted by the feeling that no matter what he can't keep up with her.
Esta cancion me hace pensar en Isabelle y Simon y en como él esta constantemente atrapado por el sentimiento de que no importa lo que haga que no pueda mantener el contacto con ella. (Tengo mis dudas con esta ultima frase,supongo que quiere decir,que a Simon no le importa los obstaculos para poder estar con ella)

14) Parachute, Ingrid Michaelson "Paracaidas"

"Don't believe the things you tell yourself so late at night
You are your own worst enemy, you'll never win the fight
Just hold on to me, I'll hold onto you
It's you and me up against the world, it's you and me"

Another Jace and Clary song — there is a certain "us against the world" aspect to their relationship, especially earlier in the book.
Otra cancion de Jace y Clary- Hay un punto de "nosotros contra el mundo" en su relacion sobretodo al avanzar el libro.

15) "In my Veins", Andrew Belle "En mis venas"

This is both a very good song for the end of a book that kicks off a new trilogy:
Esta es una muy buena cancion para el final del libro porque da referencias sobre la nueva trilogia:

"Everything will change.
Nothin' stays the same.
And nobody here's perfect.
Oh but everyones to blame.
All that you rely on
And all that you can save
Will leave you in the morning"

and a love song.

"Oh you're in my veins
And I cannot get you out
Oh you're all I taste
At night inside of my mouth."

Which could apply to any of the couples that develop over the course of the book.
Se puede aplicae a cualquiera de las parejas que se desarrollan a lo largo del libro.

Happy reading/listening!
Feliz lectura y escucha!

Feliz Año!!!!


Mensajes : 37
Fecha de inscripción : 01/09/2010

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Playlist City of fallen angels Empty Re: Playlist City of fallen angels

Mensaje  sandry_love_jace Dom Ene 02, 2011 6:01 pm

mola mucho y escucahndo las canciones te pueden dar una pista de por donde van los tiros!!!
pero me ha srprendido eso de que jace y clary van a estar muy unidos, se apoyan mucho tal vez demasiado y si cae uno caen los 2 y por eso se llama el libro ciudad de angeles caidos!!
que querra decir con eso?¿? no se a mi me suena a que uno de los 2 va a tener problemas y el otro le va a apoyar (logicamente) pero no va a ser capaz de apoyar lo suficiente o quien sea no va a ser capaz de superar ese problema y se van a meter en un lio muy gordo del que no van a ser capaces de salir o que va a ser demasiado y se van a derrumbar con ello y les va a costar caro y les va a costar muchas cosas que han conseguido...

pfff ya estamos otra vez comiendonos la cabeza por culpa de esta mujer... jaja si es que cada vez que pone algo o dice algo nos mete mas lios en la cabezaa jaja :T_T:

Miembro de la Clave

Mensajes : 1999
Fecha de inscripción : 22/08/2010
Edad : 28
Localización : madrid

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